Labour law

We are committed to enforcing the rights of employees and strengthening the rights of works councils and staff councils. We help to improve working conditions in companies and are committed to equality and protection against discrimination in working life.

Our strengths

  • Effective representation of employees and works councils as well as middle and higher management positions in legal conflicts with employers
  • We are qualified partners for works councils in financial and technological questions

Advice and representation

  • Representation in all labour law disputes in court, for example dismissals, fixed-term contracts, salary classifications
  • Out-of-court representation vis-a-vis your employer, for example in negotiations about severance agreements, the enforcement of claims for wages and holiday as well as protection against discrimination at the work place
  • We also advise you in all other labour law matters, for example in connection with contracts of employment, testimonials and written warnings

Outside our practice

  • We regularly publish articles
  • We seek to influence the legislature in cooperation with various commissions, working groups and networks
  • We keep abreast of developments by participation in regular professional development courses, are part of a nationwide network of employment lawyers, and are in demand as lecturers to academic and professional audiences

Services for works councils

  • We advise and represent works councils and representatives of the severely disabled in all contexts and before the courts
  • We take into account the whole situation in the work place, in the company and in society at large, bringing our whole experience of different industries to bear in negotiations for workplace/company agreement
  • We offer works councils support in connection with operational reorganisations and reorganisations of work places and businesses
  • We work together with trade unions
  • We advise employee representatives on the supervisory board
  • We are advisers to works councils on arbitration boards in a wide variety of fields


Our activities are not only positively assessed by our clients:

  • The magazine "Stern" named the law firm Betz Rakete Dombek 2024 again as one of the "Best law firms" in the field of labour law
  • The "Focus" has been listing lawyers from our firm constantly in the category "The best employment lawyers" for Berlin. Wolfgang Betz has been listed eleven times in a row in the category "The best employment lawyers". Dr. Axel Görg also received an award in this category.
  • Wolfgang Betz took first place in the Wirtschaftswoche ranking for employment lawyers in 2009.
  • Dr. Axel Görg was included in the fields of employment law and company law in the Handelsblatt rating “Germany’s top lawyers 2016” and “Germany’s top lawyers 2020”.

Training Courses and seminars

We regularly offer training to works councils on all questions of works council law and on labour law as it relates to individual employees.

Should you need a basic training course or a seminar on a particular topic for your works council, just let us know.

Member of the Lawyers‘ Employment Law Network

Law firms linked through the national Lawyers’ Employment Law Network are outstanding for length of experience in employment law as it relates to individuals and collective bodies. They concentrate on consistent representation of employees and works councils in the public and private sectors.

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