Dr. Axel Görg

Lawyer, Certified Specialist for Labour and Employment Law, Notary retd., Partner

Professional career

  • Journalism training at Deutsche Journalistenschule Munich
  • Study of law in Munich and Berlin
  • DAAD-scholar at London School of Economics
  • law expert at DGB and ÖTV (1979 - 1989)
  • Attorney since 1990
  • Notary from 1999 to 2018

Field of law

  • Labour law (individual employment law, collective labour law)
  • Public services law
  • Civil service law
  • Contract law
  • Company law


  • Dr. Axel Görg was included in the “Focus” list of “Germany’s top employment lawyers” for Berlin (Focus-Spezial Okt. 2013).
  • Dr. Axel Görg was included in the fields of employment law and company law in the Handelsblatt rating “Germany’s top lawyers 2016” and "Germany's best lawyers and law firms 2020”.

Honorary posts


  • Co-author of several comments on the collective agreements for the public sector
  • Co-author of Natter/Gross, Arbeitsgerichtsgesetz, 2. Auflage, 2013 (§ 54 Abs. 6, § 54 a, §§ 87 bis 91, §§ 101 bis 110 ArbGG);
  • Co-publisher and author of Basiskommentar zum TVöD, 5. Auflage, 2013;
  • "Verträge mit Kanzleiangestellten" in "Die Anwaltssozietät", Nomos-Verlag, 2. Auflage, 2015;
  • Entschädigung bei unverschuldetem Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes, Königstein/Ts 1979;
  • Various essays on labour law issues


Stephanie Wolf
Tel. 030/ 26 49 47 - 95
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